Important Facts And 5 Tricks to Save Your Books and Home From Silverfish

What Are Silverfish?

Important Facts And 5 Tricks to Save Your Books and Home From Silverfish

Silverfish are, as the name suggests, silvery in appearance, and look a little bit like a cross between a live anchovy and a roach. They eat starches, and enjoy nibbling on books. They like dark, humid places, and are found over much of the world. Silverfish are also very damaging to books, which become a great source of food. Fortunately, Silverfish are not dangerous to humans. They don’t bite, sting, or carry diseases. They’re mostly annoying, but an infestation can do damage to your things.

How Do I Know If I Have Silverfish?

You might notice some droppings that look like tiny seeds, but it is more likely you’ll see the silverfish. They’re found near bathtubs, basements, bookshelves, kitchen cabinets, and baseboards.

I Saw One. Now What?

Important Facts And 5 Tricks to Save Your Books and Home From Silverfish

• Get a Dehumidifier: Since silverfish like a humid environment, a dehumidifier might be your best friend in getting rid of them. Parts of Canada get very humid, especially during the summer months.
• Make A Trap: Silverfish don’t do well climbing glass, so get a glass jar with a wide mouth. Wrap the outside with elastics, so the silverfish can climb up. Put some starchy food, like a biscuit, in the jar and set it where you think the silverfish are hiding. They can get into the jar, but not back out. Check the jar daily and dispose of your catch.
• Buy A Trap: You can purchase “traps”, which attract the silverfish then poison them.
• Use Herbs or Oils: Cedar, Citronella, Cinnamon, and Clove are known to be offensive to silverfish. You can use ground herbs, sprinkling them directly where you see the silverfish. You can also make a spray using essential oils or scented oils. There are dozens of ways to blend and apply oils, so check with an herbalist or Google for ideas!
• Call A Professional: If your silverfish are particularly difficult, or you just don’t want to do it yourself, call JDM Pest Control at 416-729-3568, or email