Why Pest Control Isn’t a “DIY” Job

Having pests in the home is always a nuisance, and your first instinct might be to take care of them yourself with “DIY” ideas. However, there are some factors a professional pest control service understands that you may not consider. Some things that make pest control a job for the experts include:

1. Safety risks – Pest control involves the use of pesticide, which often contains dangerous chemicals. A property owner without proper pest removal training can accidentally harm or poison pets and people. Removing pests is also a way to get hurt. For example, racoons can carry diseases (like rabies), or you can be stung by bees. Professionals have both the training and equipment to remove these pests and keep everyone safe.

2. Environmental damage – Pesticides can contribute to the toxicity or pollution of water sources and damage nearby plants or animals. Professional pest control services know how to apply chemicals properly so they only affect the problem pests.


Why Pest Control Isn’t a “DIY” Job


3. Lack of training – A novice doesn’t know how to safely use traps or insecticides. A professional knows how to approach any given intruder and eliminate it effectively. Each kind of pest requires its own methods of removal, and a professional has the knowledge to do so without causing damage to surroundings.

4. Lack of understanding – The untrained eye can only identify a problem based on what is immediately visible (e.g. they see rats or termites present in their homes). In that case, people might try their own remedies without treating the source, allowing pests to return. But professionals know how to identify the root of a problem and deal with it.


Why Pest Control Isn’t a “DIY” Job2


5. Lack of guarantees – You can find all kinds of do-it-yourself “fixes,” but it’s unlikely they’ll be long-term solutions. Calling professionals to deal with your pest problem ensures you have an expert who can recommend a course of action and carry it out without endangering you or your family.

6. Waste of time and money – If you relied on DIY methods, the results were probably less effective than you hoped. Continuing these efforts is a considerable waste of time and money. Professional pest control experts provide a definitive solution at an agreed-upon price.


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Removing pests with “DIY” solutions is always risky, whether with the pests themselves or chemicals left behind. Leave the risks to trained professionals and get peace of mind for everyone nearby.

Contact JDM Pest Control (416) 729-3568 for expert help getting rid of your pest problems.