rats isolated

You catch a mouse or 2 today, only to find 3 more the following week. Just where are these critters coming from? Almost all homeowners know the apprehension that comes with having mice and other rodents at home. Whether they’re in the kitchen, basement, or attic, rodents are resourceful creatures able to penetrate a home through its smallest nooks and crannies.

What makes mice so bad, you might ask? For starters, they can put your home at risk by chewing on wires. But the biggest threat comes from how rodents carry bacteria in their bodies and contaminate food, kitchen, and other items in the household.

The good news is that there are quite a number of ways to mouse-proof your home.

  1. Attach door sweeps to your exterior doors and mend or replace damaged screens.
  2. Install screens on vents and chimney—note that these will require periodic cleaning to remove blockages.
  3. Seal cracks and holes on your home’s exterior, particularly in the areas where holes are drilled to lay pipes and utilities. You can use either caulk or steel wool, or both.
  4. Dispose of garbage regularly and keep food in sealed containers
  5. Reduce moisture in crawl spaces, basements, and attacks and keep them well ventilated
  6. Check all moisture-prone areas such as clogged drains and leaking pipes. These areas are ideal breeding sites for rodents.
  7. Go over boxes and grocery bags brought inside the house for any “hitchhikers.”
  8. Check for loose mortar and weather stripping in the windows and basement
  9. Keep firewood away from the main house and make sure your shrubbery is trimmed and kept away from the house.
  10. If you think you have a problematic infestation, call the professionals at JDM Pest Control.

The key to stopping a severe infestation is acting on it right away. Rodents are prolific breeders, and 2 mice can easily turn into 24 mice in no time at all.